Guided tours in Herculaneum: discovering the city

What to see in Herculaneum 

The city of Herculaneum saw the same fate as the more famous Pompeii. It was in fact a victim of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D., which buried the city. Unlike Pompeii, however, Herculaneum did not disappear completely and a new city was built on top of the area that housed the old one. Herculaneum, for example, even more than Pompeii, retains a unique and incredible phenomenon of preservation, even preserving two-storey houses complete with jewellery, furnishings and organic finds. The city was in fact a holiday resort for many patrician families and was therefore decorated in an elegant and refined manner. In its long history, it has always established itself as a city rich in culture and refined style, adorned with ancient villas furnished with extreme taste. The most interesting sights are the House of the Wooden Tramezzo, the House of the Relief of Telefo, the Villa of the Papyri and the House of the Deer. The deposits in the archaeological park therefore hold pieces of exceptional cultural interest, and are of great attraction to scholars, tourists and history enthusiasts. The houses and the men’s baths, with their marvellous frescoes on the floor, are just some of the places to visit in this unfortunate town at the foot of Vesuvius.

Guided tours in Herculaneum: who to contact 

For a guided tour in Herculaneum you can contact Ctourguide, which over the years has become a real point of reference for all history enthusiasts. The guided tour in Herculaneum, which only takes a few hours, is also suitable for families with small children and those with limited time available, without losing the beauty and charm of being part of a Roman society. It will be a unique experience to walk through the streets of what was once the ancient city. b



